About Us

Hi, I’m Dr Vikki Burns and I work at a large university in the UK. I’m a sport and exercise scientist by training, so sustainability and global development isn’t my natural area of expertise!  However, I learned about the Global Goals through my volunteering with the advocacy charity RESULTS UK, which works to create the political will to end extreme poverty.  I also came across World’s Largest Lesson, a fantastic charity that creates resources to ensure that all school children know about the Global Goals.  I couldn’t find a similar movement for university students and so I decided to create it.  

I know academics like me are super busy, and often aren’t experts in this area at all.  I created simple workshop that allows anyone to start a conversation with their students about the Global Goals, and have pulled together the fabulous resources available online for those who want more detail.

Massive thanks go to the teams at World’s Largest Lesson, RESULTS UK, and d’Arcy Lunn of Teaspoons of Change, for their expert advice and support in this process, and to my friends Kerry and Mike who kindly created this website for me!