
Available resource packs from Study4GlobalGoals

University resource pack – this includes a workshop plan, PowerPoint presentation, and everything you need to run a 1-2 hour workshop on the Global Goals.  It encourages students to think creatively about how their discipline can contribute to the Goals and what they can do next.  We would like EVERY degree course in the WORLD to run this workshop!

Assembly resource pack – this includes a PowerPoint presentation that can be used for students who are 14-17 years old and considering what to do with their lives after they leave school.  It introduces students to the Global Goals and starts them thinking about how they could contribute.  This is a different take on career-planning, which often focuses more on individual benefits, and instead encourages students to consider what skills will they need to make a difference in the world, and how can they develop those skills in higher education. 

To receive either resource pack, please contact me on and let me know where you’re from and what you’re planning!


Useful information about the Global Goals

There is a wealth of amazing videos, case studies, and information online so I’ve tried to keep this relatively brief – you’ll find you spin off according to your own interests as you start reading.  However, I highly recommend you start with the online resource created by World’s Largest Lesson and Microsoft which introduces the goals.  

Teaching SDGs

More information can also be found at the main Global Goals website and on the United nations website.

Global Goals      UN SDGs


Organisations working on the Global Goals

You’ll find that there are thousands of international, national, and local charities and groups working in a whole variety of areas, but here are a few international organisations that have some incredible resources.  The UK National Union of Students also did some great work this year on embedding SDGs into the curriculum. 

World's Largest Lesson       Results UK    Teaspoons of Change  One Global Citizen  National Union of Students

The NUS have some interesting research about UK student knowledge and beliefs about the SDGs here, and have collected case studies of embedding sustainability into the curriculum here.